Page 131 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 131
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
A Review of Bharat’s Tech-enhanced HR Management
Mayuresh Ghare*
*Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, Shri Shivaji Maratha Society’s Institute of Management and
Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India (E-mail:
In the post globalization period Indian industry has witnessed a rapid industrialization with modern approach.
The inflow of foreign MNCs has not only brought investment but also new technology and management
practices. The domestic organizations had no other option than to change their approach to face the stiff
competition. The domestic organizations also responded positively and gradually adopted new management
technics. The former role of HR department was enlarged, and it was given due importance in planning and
managing the industries. The industries started to adopt technologies in managing the Human Resources
Department. Greater emphasis has now been placed on making use of advanced technology for performing
various functions of the HR department. The entire world has become a global employment market. New
concepts like hybrid system of work from home has now been emerged. Day in and day out the technology is
witnessing changes and those are being adopted by the industry. Today emphasis is on cutting cost of
production, enhancing the quality of the product and at the same time keep the HR expenses at possible low
level. New HR practices are being developed to motivate the employees. Today retaining the talented
employees has also become a key task. Concepts like Work Life Balance, employee welfare etc have gained
importance. Thus, the current industry situation requires a proactive and strategic approach from HR.
Therefore, the HR department needs to embrace the latest technology and play a crucial role in driving
organisational performance.
Keywords: Impact of globalization, Human Resource Management. Talent hunt, use of technology for HR.
India is a founder member of the World Trade Organization. Right from its inception in the year 1991 India
has adopted a policy of Globalization, Liberalization and Privatization. India embarked upon economic
reforms in a phased manner and in the process open its economy to the world at large. This paved the way for
inflow of Foreign Direct Investment in India. India being a developed country was facing paucity of funds for
development of infrastructure which is the fundamental requirement for the development of the industrial
sector on sound footing. This then new approach towards industrial development by the Govt. of India has
augmented pace of industrial development. India is a thickly populated country which is a plus point for its
market size. This was well taken up by the multinational organizations and in a short span of time there were