Page 132 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 132
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
several MNCs of foreign origin that appeared on the India’s industrial canvas. These industries not only came
with the huge investment but also advanced technology and management practices. In order to face the stiff
competition offered by these MNCs even the domestic industries also accepted the challenge and adopted new
changes in their approaches and use of technology as well as the new management practices. The Indian
industries welcomed the new technology and focused on cost cutting and at the same time ensuring quality of
product. Expenditure on research and development enhanced. All these changes helped the domestic industries
to face the stiff competition offered by these MNCs. One such change was regarding management of human
Traditionally the Indian industries were having a personnel department which used to take care of
recruitment, placement, leave and fringe benefits accounting, etc. No much importance was accorded to it.
However, with entry of MNCs the entire approach in managing the human resources received greater
importance. Now the HR department are shouldering more responsibilities and has a greater say in the overall
management of the organization.
The Changed Role of Human Resources Dept.
In India, the field of human resources (HR) management is going through major change. HR is
becoming a strategic business partner, stepping away from its conventional administrative and transactional
tasks and becoming increasingly important in bringing in, keeping, and developing talent that will drive
organisational success.
Over the years the management of the Human Resources has become a dynamic activity. Day in and
day out changes are taking place. The unprecedented Corona Pandemic brought in new concept of work from
home. When normalcy is restored a new hybrid system has been evolved wherein the employees are required
to visit their office for a day or two once in a week. Therefore, the HR department must be responsive to such
changes and design their strategies accordingly.
Following are some key aspects of this new role:
• Shift in Focus: HR is transitioning from guaranteeing adherence to regulations to actively supporting
company objectives, from compliance to strategic impact. This entails monitoring the effect of HR
programmes on business outcomes, proving the value case of HR investments, and coordinating HR
activities with the broader organisational strategy.
• From administration to employee experience: The emphasis is now more on developing a satisfying
and enjoyable work experience for all stages of the employee lifecycle, from hiring and onboarding to
training, growth, and departure. Fostering a culture of diversity, inclusiveness, and wellbeing is part of