Page 134 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 134

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

                 proactive and strategic approach from the HR department. HR may play a significant role in driving
                 organisational  performance  and  assisting  them  in  thriving  in  the  face  of  ongoing  change  by

                 comprehending shifting goals, embracing technology, and resolving new issues.

         2.      Role 0f Technology in Managing Human Relations

         Technology affects both the personal and professional spheres in managing human relations in a variety of
         ways. Technology helps in Managing human relations in the following ways:

             •  Communication & Collaboration: Through social collaboration platforms, video conferencing, and
                 instant  messaging,  technology  makes  communication  easier  and  faster.  This  promotes  open

                 communication, enhances teamwork, and bridges geographical gaps.
             •  Efficiency  &  Automation:  Routine  chores  like  performance  appraisals,  scheduling,  and

                 administrative procedures are streamlined by software, freeing up time for strategic initiatives and

                 interpersonal interactions. Additionally, by offering information on employee engagement, happiness,
                 and trends, it facilitates data-driven decision-making.

             •  Learning & Development: Employee skills and knowledge are improved through the flexible and
                 individualised training options provided by online learning platforms. Applications for virtual reality

                 produce immersive learning environments, increasing the effectiveness and engagement of teaching.

             •  Global Workforce Management: Technology fosters collaboration and cross-cultural understanding
                 by bringing together disparate teams from around the world. Flexible work schedules made possible

                 by remote work tools encourage work-life balance and draw in talent from larger pools.
             •  Accessibility & Inclusion: By enabling people with impairments to engage fully in the workforce,

                 assistive  technologies  foster  inclusion  and  diversity.  Language  obstacles  are  overcome  via

                 communication solutions that include features like captioning and translation.

         Role played by technology in Human Resources Management:

                 Technology results in executing their jobs efficiently, take better decisions for the organization and put
         in efforts for optimal productivity of their staff. Use of technology ensures accuracy. Automation used reflects

         in profit augmentation through enhanced efficiency and productivity. Improved HR management helps HRM
         to use the hidden potential of the employees. Employees great freedom to express their ideas for improvement

         of the systems and procedures. Interactive performance appraisal systems can be used for rational assessment

         of  the  employee  performance.  HRM  can  organize  webinars  to  update  the  knowledge  of  the  employees.
         Recruitment of the employees can be speedier using the technology. Documentation and employees record

         keeping is easier and effective. Use of technology does not result in threat to employment. Technology has
         significantly altered corporate working cultures, which has also had an impact on the human resources sector.
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