Page 217 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 217

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

                   Aligning Education with Industry: Evaluating Vocational Courses across

                               Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate Levels

                                                       Ashwini Bhoj*

          *Student, Human Resource Management, IMDR, Pune, Maharashtra, India (E-mail:


         This paper emphasizes the critical alignment of undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate education with
         industry needs to equip graduates with essential skills and knowledge for workforce success. It underscores

         the significance of value-based education and its perception within the industry, market, and workforce. The
         study evaluates vocational courses introduced under the new education policy, focusing on their effectiveness

         in meeting industry demands and preparing students across all education levels for professional roles. Through

         an  exhaustive  analysis  of  curriculum  design,  industry  partnerships,  and  student  outcomes,  the  research
         investigates the extent to which these courses bridge the academia-industry gap. Methodologically, the study

         employs a questionnaire-based approach to gather insights from graduate, undergraduate and postgraduate
         students.  Findings  indicate  moderate  awareness  among  students  about  vocational  programs  offered.

         Effectiveness in developing job-ready skills is viewed positively by most, though quality and curriculum-

         industry integration have scope for improvement. Internship and practical components receive varied feedback
         but are considered valuable preparation by many.

         Keywords- New Education Policy, Vocational Courses, Students Outcome, Industrial needs.

         Background and Significance of Vocational Courses:

         In today's dynamic job market, traditional education often falls short in providing the specific skills required

         for various careers. Vocational courses emerge as a practical solution to this challenge. These courses focus on
         imparting  job-specific  skills,  preparing  students  for  professions  such  as  nursing,  carpentry,  or  computer

         programming. Unlike conventional academic programs, vocational courses prioritize hands-on training and

         industry-relevant skills, bridging the gap between classroom learning and workplace demands.

         The significance of vocational courses lies in their ability to address the increasing demand for skilled workers

         across diverse industries. By equipping students with practical skills and knowledge directly applicable to their
         chosen  professions,  these  courses  play  a  vital  role  in  enhancing  workforce  readiness  and  contributing  to

         economic growth.

         Objectives of the Study:

         1. To Measure awareness and perceptions of vocational courses among participants.

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