Page 338 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 338

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

               sourced from the official Nasdaq website, ensuring accuracy and consistency in the dataset.

               Data Cleaning and Preparation: Upon gathering the data, a meticulous cleaning process
               was  employed  to  ensure  data  accuracy  and  integrity.  This  involved  removing  outliers,

               correcting errors, and addressing missing values. Subsequently, the daily closing prices were

               utilized  to  calculate  the  percentage  changes  in  the  opening  and  closing  values  for  both

               Tools Utilized: A combination of tools was employed for data analysis, including Excel and

               Python.  Excel  was  utilized  for  initial  data  manipulation,  descriptive  statistics  calculations,
               and  data  visualization.  Python,  with  its  powerful  libraries  such  as  Pandas  and  NumPy,

               facilitated advanced statistical analysis, correlation calculations, and robustness checks.

               Descriptive Statistics:

                                        1. Nifty:          2. NASDAQ:

                 Mean                   -0.07%             0.03%
               Median                   -0.05%             0.09%

               Standard Deviation       0.87%              1.04%

               Minimum                  -6.82%             -6.42%
               Maximum                  9.31%              6.96%


                   1.  Descriptive Statistics Analysis:

                     Mean Percentage Change: The Nifty index experienced an average yearly decrease
                       of approximately 7.25%, while the NASDAQ index had an average yearly increase of

                       about 3.34%.

                     Median  Percentage  Change:  The  median  yearly  percentage  change  for  the  Nifty
                       index was approximately -5.21%, and for the NASDAQ index, it was about 8.87%.

                     Standard  Deviation:  The  Nifty  index  had  a  standard  deviation  of  approximately

                       0.87,  indicating  a  relatively  high  degree  of  variability  in  its  yearly  percentage
                       changes.  On  the  other  hand,  the  NASDAQ  index  had  a  slightly  higher  standard

                       deviation of about 1.04, indicating that it was more volatile than the Nifty index over
                       the analysed period.

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