Page 334 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 334

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

               In contrast, Sharma and Verma (2019) conducted a long-term analysis over a 11 years period,

               employing  statistical  techniques  such  as  cointegration  analysis.  Their  study  identified  a
               significant  long-term  correlation  between  the  Nasdaq  and  Nifty  indices.  This  long-term

               perspective  allowed  them  to  assess  the  stability  and  sustainability  of  the  correlation,
               providing insights into portfolio diversification strategies.

               Furthermore, Gupta et al. (2020) investigated the impact of global market movements on the
               Indian stock market, including those of the Nasdaq index, using event study methodology.

               While their focus extended beyond the Nasdaq Nifty correlation, their findings highlighted
               the  interconnectedness  of  global  markets  and  emphasized  the  need  to  consider  external

               factors in market analysis.

               Overall,  these  studies  collectively  offer  valuable  insights  into  the  correlation  between  the
               Nasdaq index and the Nifty index within the Indian context. They underscore the importance

               of  both  short-term  and  long-term  perspectives  in  understanding  the  dynamics  of  this

               relationship, providing valuable implications for investors and policymakers.

               Methodology and Data:

               Data Collection:

                     Secondary Data:  Historical  data spanning  eleven  years  (2013-2023) was collected
                       from the official websites of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) for the Nifty index

                       and the NASDAQ for the Nasdaq index.

                     Daily Open and Closing Prices: Data points for daily open and closing prices were

                       gathered for both indices.

               Data Preparation:

                     Percentage  Change  Calculation:  The  percentage  change  between  open  and  close
                       prices for each data point was calculated using formula:

                                                     Percentage Change = ((Close−Open)/Open) ×100

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