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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
6. Prepare digital libraries for the future: Because many people want to keep using digital libraries,
schools and organizations should get ready for the future. This means keeping up with new technology,
listening to what users say, and changing services to fit the changing needs of students and researchers.
1. Abdullah, H. L., Chawinga, W. D., & Chipeta, G. T. (2023). Use of E-Library services by
postgraduate students at Mzuzu University. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 1–25.
2. Adewole, S., & Batagarawa, S. A. (2013). The use of the e-library in Umaru Musa Yar’Adua
University Library. Middlebelt Journal of Library and Information Science, 11, MBJLIS.
3. Bisma, B., Nahida, N., & Loan, F. A. (2019). National digital library of India: an
overview. Library Philosophy and Practice, 2019.
4. Chowdhury G. G. & Chowdhury S. (2003). Introduction to digital libraries. Facet.
5. Feng, L., Jeusfeld, M. A., & Hoppenbrouwers, J. (2005). Beyond information searching and
browsing: acquiring knowledge from digital libraries. Information Processing and
Management, 41(1), 97–120.
6. Fyhr, A., Borell, J., Jerkeman, M., & Ek, Å. (2020). National e-library for standardized
chemotherapy regimens. Acta Oncologica, 59(9), 1079-1083.
7. Gotschall, T., Gillum, S., Herring, P., Lambert, C., Collins, R., & Dexter, N. (2021). When one
library door closes, another virtual one opens: a team response to the remote library. Medical
Reference Services Quarterly, 40(1), 11–22.
8. Hamzah, M. L., Hultari, L. A., Purwati, A. A., & Nazaruddin, N. (2022). Analysis of E-Library
Based on Level of User Satisfaction Using EUCS and IPA Methods. Journal of Applied
Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS), 4(1), 599–610.
9. Jeong, H. (2011). An investigation of user perceptions and behavioural intentions towards the e-
library. Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, 35(2–3), 45-60.
10. Leo Appleton (2021) Accelerating the digital shift: how a global pandemic has created an
environment for rapid change in academic libraries, New Review of Academic
Librarianship, 27:3, 257-258
11. Leo Appleton (2022) Trendspotting - Looking to the Future in a Post-Pandemic Academic
Library Environment, New Review of Academic Librarianship, 28:1, 1-6
12. Nabi, S. (2012). World digital library: A case study. Trends in Information Management
(TRIM), 8(1).
13. Nadi-Ravandi, S. and Batooli, Z. (2023), "Libraries respond to the COVID-19 pandemic:
drawing a science map of published articles", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 41 No. 1, pp. 42-58.