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Embracing “We have all the resources How can we get hold of it, Tips for Self-
within” Do you also agree to this? Coaching Using NLP
Have you ever felt stuck in a challenging
situation, now what? 1. Know Your Representation System
And there you go, someone says, ho jayega, First things first.
don’t worry! Kaise?
Have you ever heard someone in a fast rate
NLP’s foundational presupposition that “We of speech or having fast movements?
have all the resources within” resonates deeply
We are different because we have different
within me. Often, when faced with challenges,
styles of communication and we operate
our minds tend to overlook resourceful
differently, yeah!!
possibilities, leading to a sense of limitation.
Observe how individuals communicate—
However, a simple conversation with a friend
some favor rapid speech, while others
can ignite fresh perspectives, demonstrating
articulate slowly. Someone uses more words
the power of shifting internal dialogue.
like big, clear, and picture, or someone uses
Whenever we are in a problem, our minds
words like talk, discuss, doesn’t sound great to
close our senses differently, we don’t see the
me, or it doesn’t make sense.
dreams happening, we don’t hear the music
Do you know all these are different words? Pay
of performance, and we lack choices in our
attention to sensory cues in communication—
perspective as if it seems impossible.
visual (see), auditory (hear), or kinesthetic (feel).
Understanding these systems enhances self-
Can self-coaching help here? awareness and interpersonal communication.
I have been in this space for a long time now So, listen to yourself and others when you
and trust me it helps! are stuck, do you say, I don’t see any sense in
Coaching, rooted in NLP principles, facilitates whatever he says, means two people are using
profound transformations by reshaping two different systems. In this case, person A
our responses and paving the way for goal wants to see what person B is saying. If you are
achievement. This journey of self-discovery a boss, matching another person’s system will
with coaching has not only enriched my help you build communication.
personal growth but also equipped me with the If your colleague says the above, make a
tools and insights needed to effectively guide presentation in a visual format so that he can
and support others on their paths to success. hear you!
Why do I cherish NLP coaching? Because 2. Change your positions, access your power:
it dives deep into understanding human Self-Coaching Using Positions
behavior. It unravels the “whys” behind our
You are a boss, entrepreneur, father/mother,
thoughts, behaviors, and communication
friend, and so many other roles you play in your
patterns, offering invaluable insights into our
life. Different roles demand distinct mindsets
subconscious programming.
and postures.
Why do we do what we do? Why do we behave
Do you know that when you feel stuck in any
in a way that we don’t like at times? Why are
of the positions in your life, the common thing
we getting under stress or anxiety? Why do we
is that your body gets stuck, maybe feels tight,
have conflicts?
or has some internal dialogue?
How can I use self-coaching here – Think
that you have a presentation tomorrow, and
you are feeling nervous, I have a play! Think
that you are the boss, the one who gives
amazing presentations, just act as if, take their
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