P. 60
above 50,000/- and up to 5 lakhs and Tarun
covering loans above 5 lakhs to 10 lakhs.
The type of loan sanctioned and disbursed indicates
the stage of growth and financing requirements of
the beneficiary micro unit or an entrepreneur and
also to provide a reference point for the next level
of growth of the enterprise. These loans have been
given by Banks, NBFCs and MFIs and further it
gets refinanced by MUDRA. The main purpose is
to encourage the Non–Corporate Small Business
Segment (NCSB) to avail the loan facility from
the Financial Institutions under the purview of
organized financial system. There is a need to
develop and expand the delivery channel at the
ground level. In this context, there is already in
existence, a large number of ‘Last Mile Financiers’ in
the form of companies, trusts, societies, associations
and other networks which are providing informal
finance to small businesses.
Non–Corporate Small Business Segment (NCSB)
comprising of millions of proprietorship /
partnership firms running as small manufacturing
units, service sector units, shopkeepers, fruits /
vegetable vendors, truck operators, food-service
units, repair shops, machine operators, small
industries, artisans, food processors and others, in
rural and urban areas.