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of India to support the small business and empower
the young in the direction of self-employment.
The education plays very important role in
knowledge, innovation, and awareness level of
the people. The study reveals that majority 57%
of the beneficiaries are graduates and 26% are
under graduates. It shows that education helps to
understand the business operations and the ways
to solve business related issues (Figure No.10). If the
awareness level of the people be improved about the
various government schemes for financing the small
business, it will strengthen the small businesses.
This initiative can be channelized through schools
and colleges in order to make youth aware about
Government’s initiative to strengthen the economy
by supporting entrepreneurs.
The study reveals that the majority (78%) of the
beneficiaries of Mudra loan are sole proprietors
by nature of an enterprise (Figure No.11). The
purpose of PMMY is to provide funding to the non-
corporate small business sector which is generally
run by sole proprietors. The permissible amount to
be sanctioned under Shishu, Kishor and Tarun is
well suited for sole trader’s requirements.