P. 66

the majority of the beneficiaries are from general
          category  (71%),  instead  a  specific  category,  the
          small businessmen irrespective of their caste and

          category based on their financial requirement and
          available documentation are applying for the loan
                        Figure No. 12 – Category.

          It  is  found  that  51  %  of  the  beneficiaries  have

          their firm as a licensed MSME whereas 49 % don’t
          (Figure No. 13). The majority (48%) are small firms,
          followed by 37% are micro enterprises (Figure No.
          15).  Among  the  respondents,  45%  beneficiaries

          are from sub-urban area whereas 41% are from
          urban area (Figure No. 14). There is insignificant
          representation from  rural area when it  comes to
          mudra  loan  beneficiaries.  It  shows  that  there  is

          need to tap the rural area and organize awareness
          program to make people aware about the benefits
          of PMMY

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