Page 127 - NITI - Navigating Indian Traditions in Industry
P. 127
5. Agile Strategy and Rapid Market Adaptation:
Agile strategy focuses on businesses being able to respond quickly to changing market
conditions, competitor actions, and consumer needs. Apple’s ability to anticipate the
need for a more functional, touchscreen phone and respond with the iPhone is a
modern example of agility. Sutra’s focus on anticipating the competition’s moves and
understanding the environment is deeply aligned with how companies today must
constantly iterate, adapt, and innovate to stay competitive.
6. Design Thinking:
The concept of Design Thinking—which focuses on understanding the needs and
desires of consumers to create innovative solutions—is also applicable to the iPhone’s
launch. Apple foresaw a gap in the market for a device that wasn’t just a phone but a
multimedia hub. The entire iPhone design process, from the user interface to the App
Store, was built on anticipating consumer desires and creating a product that not only
met but exceeded those expectations. This forward-thinking approach resonates with
Sutra’s principle of strategic foresight.
The example of Apple’s iPhone launch aligns perfectly with Dhanurveda’s Sutra
(Theory), showcasing strategic foresight, thorough environmental analysis, and the
ability to anticipate and outperform competitors. Modern strategic management
practices such as SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, Blue Ocean Strategy, Disruptive
Innovation, Agile Strategy, and Design Thinking all echo the core principles of Sutra.
By integrating these modern theories and practices with Sutra’s timeless wisdom,
businesses can achieve a more holistic, forward-thinking approach to strategy and
long-term success.
7.1.2 Dhruva (Stability and Positioning):
Dhruva in Dhanurveda focuses on maintaining stability and strength during warfare,
emphasizing defensive strategies, securing advantageous positions, and ensuring
sustainability over the long term. It highlights the importance of positioning oneself
strategically, selecting favorable ground, and fortifying resources to withstand
prolonged engagements.
Modern Theories and Practices Linked to Dhruva:
1. SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats):
Just as Dhruva emphasizes positioning for long-term stability, SWOT analysis involves
evaluating a company’s internal strengths and weaknesses alongside external
opportunities and threats. This analysis helps a company position itself effectively in
the market and ensure sustainability.