Page 21 - IMDR EBOOK 20 OCT 2020
P. 21

"Pandemic and Beyond: Naviga ng the New Normal"                                             E - Book Year 2020

          projects on hold. However, the cloud does have a silver lining. A respondent from the
          insurance  sector  notes  that  while  overall  business  has  reduced,  health  insurance
          business has gone up. Market research rms are undertaking more research projects
          related to COVID-19. A company with a strong presence in eld sales is shifting tracks to
          online and tele-calling. There could be spurt in some markets such as used car sales. It
          appears that companies are trying to adapt themselves to the new realities.
          Companies are struggling to recover xed costs in the absence of revenue generation due
          to sharp drop in sales. The reduction in costs is more by default than design, owing to the
          changed circumstances of the pandemic. Increase in costs are due to enablement of
          digital  platforms,  increased  freight  and  cartage  costs  and  increased  costs  of  raw

          Focusing  on  existing  customers  and  building  collaborative  relationships  is  the  new
          normal. Virtual modes of communication seem inadequate to generate new business. It
          seems that businesses require at least one face to face interaction to build trust and
          commitment. Organisations are increasingly nding it difcult to stay in touch with
          customers. The challenge is not just in terms of migrating to the virtual medium but also
          changing the content of communication. Going forward boundaries between “real” and
          “virtual” could get blurred.
          Businesses and their stakeholders must face up to some harsh realities and prepare for
          them. Operations and supply chain managers must prepare for possible increase in the
          cost of raw materials and think of new distribution models. More-over they must prepare
          for  collaborative  relationships  with  suppliers  and  distributors.  Marketing  managers
          must think creatively to get the biggest bang for every rupee spent and also to identify
          new customer segments.  Human resource managers must brace themselves for lay-offs
          and prepare the workforce for remote working.
          It appears that consumer sentiment will see an uptick only post Diwali.

           Tew P J , et al (2008),  “ SARS: Lessons in strategic planning for hoteliers and destination
          marketers”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
           Day, Brennan, et al (2004), “ It will happen again What SARS taught businesses about
          crisis management” , Management Decision.

            Coronavirus  and  Supply  Chain  Disruption:  What  Firms  Can  Learn
          accessed on 26/04/2020.
            Coronavirus  impact:  Show  halts  for  event  management  companies  -  Re...
; accessed on 23/04/2020
           Bryman Alan, Bell Emma (2008), Business Research Methods, Second Edition, Oxford
          University Press.
            “The  Human  Experience:  How  organisations  should  respond  to  the  experience
          implications of COVID-19”, Accenture 2020. ccenture020

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