Page 211 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 211

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

                                      Fig-7 Challenges faced by females

         The graph reveals several challenges faced by females pursuing careers in green and sustainable industries.
         Lack of awareness and knowledge about job opportunities in this field is the biggest hurdle, reported by 48.2%

         of respondents. Limited access to education and training (45.8%) and gender stereotypes and discrimination
         (44.6%) also pose significant barriers. Finding relevant job opportunities (49.4%) and a lack of role models

         and mentors (27.7%) further contribute to these challenges.

         Fig-8 Kind of Support required

         The  graph  emphasizes  the  types  of  support  women  seeking  green  careers  find  most  crucial.  Financial

         assistance tops the list (55.4%), followed closely by educational programs and scholarships (48.2%). Rounding
         out the top three, mentorship and networking opportunities are also seen as highly valuable (53%).

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