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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
repeat purchases and aware about Marketing Strategies and are influenced by these strategies. The most
influencing factors are Price and Discount, Early Morning Delivery and Quality of Products.
Most of the customers are satisfied and likely to continue purchasing from Otipy.
VIII. Conclusion
In conclusion, Otipy's customer base consists primarily of educated, employed, and middle-aged individuals,
with a higher representation of females. The customers show awareness of the brand and demonstrate a
positive response to Below-the-Line marketing strategies. Otipy has a considerable number of loyal and
satisfied customers, highlighting the potential for further growth and customer retention efforts. A quarter of
the respondents purchase from Otipy frequently, while a larger portion does so occasionally. A smaller
percentage of respondents have never made a purchase from Otipy. Respondents consider factors such as price,
discounts, and offers as significant influencers for purchasing from Otipy. Additionally, factors like early
morning delivery and product quality also have an impact on their buying decisions. A substantial number of
respondents expressed satisfaction with their purchases from Otipy, and a significant percentage indicated a
high likelihood of continuing to purchase from the brand.
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