Page 302 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 302

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

               operation  process.  It  helps  with  a  smooth  on  boarding  process  and  streamlined  payroll

               processing. This software is especially suitable for small and medium-sized organizations.
               Darwin Box: Darwin Box is modern and cloud-based human resources software for carrying

               out  employee  engagement.  It  automated  the  process  from  recruiting  to  on  boarding  the
               employees and kept track of the employee’s appraisal and performance.

               Kredily:  Kredily  is  cloud-based  human  resources  software  that  involves  features  such  as
               leave management, payroll management, and attendance management.

                5.Challenges faced by Companies while integrating technology in HRM:

                     The literature review and further data analysis reveals that use of technology in HRM
                       comes with few challenges for the companies. These challenges are further described

                       as below:

                     Technology require employees to acquire new skills that may be different from what
                       they  are  used  to.  HRM  addresses  this  by  organizing  training  and  development

                       programs to ensure employees can effectively use the new technologies.

                     Employees might hesitate to adopt these new technologies due to various reasons such
                       as  fear  of  losing  their  jobs  or  simply  being  unfamiliar  with  the  technology.  To

                       overcome this resistance, HRM implements strategies to manage change and fosters a
                       culture of innovation within the organization.

                     Increased  use  of  technology  increases  the  risk  of  data  breaches  and  cyber-attacks.

                       HRM prioritizes data security measures to protect sensitive employee information and
                       organizational data.

                     Integrating  new  technologies  with  existing  HR  systems  and  processes  can  also  be
                       complex and challenging. HRM ensures seamless integration to avoid disruptions in

                       operations and maximize the benefits of the new technologies.

                     Implementing  new  technologies  often  comes  with  significant  financial  investment,
                       including expenses for software, hardware, training, and maintenance. HRM carefully

                       assesses the costs and benefits to justify investments and ensure a positive return on

                     Automation and artificial intelligence may lead to the redefinition or elimination of

                       certain job roles, requiring HRM to proactively manage the impact on the workforce
                       through reskilling or redeploying employees as needed.


               Technology  has  played  a  pivotal  role  in  transforming  the  HR  landscape  by  simplifying

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