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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

               typically viewed through a device like a smart phone or AR glasses.

               During employee onboarding, VR can simulate realistic workplace scenarios, allowing new

               hires to explore their roles and environments virtually before starting work. AR can enhance
               training  by  overlaying  digital  instructions  or  information  onto  physical  objects,  making

               learning more engaging and interactive. VR and AR can improve recruitment processes by

               offering virtual job tours or allowing candidates to virtually experience a day in the life of a
               particular role.

               VR and AR in HRM revolutionize how training, onboarding, and recruitment are conducted

               by  providing  immersive,  interactive  experiences  that  enhance  employee  engagement  and

                     Social Media:

               Social  media  platforms  like  Facebook,  WhatsApp,  LinkedIn,  and  Twitter  have  become
               incredibly popular as quick and easy modes of communication. They not only connect people

               but also play a significant role in shaping how individuals are perceived. In today's world,
               these platforms are often used by businesses to analyze a person's abilities and personality.

               Social network profiles help HR teams in tracing a job applicant's skills, experiences, and
               areas of interest. They make identifying potential candidates and screening them easier and

               more  cost-effective.  Platforms  like  LinkedIn  actively  encourage  candidates  to  apply  for

               specific job roles. In today's world, social networks serve as a company's corporate culture
               and play a crucial role in managing the company's reputation.

                     Cloud and SAAS:

               Cloud-based  technology  refers  to  internet-enabled  services  or  systems  hosted  on  remote
               servers,  allowing  users  to  access  information  from  anywhere  in  the  world.  Software  as  a

               Service (SaaS) is a category of cloud computing where a third party provides and manages
               software for customers. One major advantage of SaaS is that businesses don't need to install

               software on their office computers.

               SaaS supports HR teams by facilitating tasks like tracking job applications, communicating

               with  candidates, and conducting online interviews. Employees  can directly access  features
               such as attendance tracking, performance appraisal, leave management, and payroll, among

               others. This enhances employee productivity while giving HR real-time access to employee

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