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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

               regulations. Due to which many trade unions are established under which they provide many

               facilities of health, settlements to the employees once they are departing from their job, and
               finally the main point evolved from the maintenance of the employees to the advancement of

               the employees.

               Duke  II,  Joe  &  Udono,  Ekpo.  (2012).  A  New  Paradigm  in  Traditional  Human  Resource

               Management  Practices.  Journal  of  Management  and  Sustainability.  2.  10.5539/jms.
               v2n2p158.  Stated  that  -  Traditional  human  resources  management  mainly  focuses  on  the

               administrative records keeping tasks and works to aim the maintenance of equitable terms
               and conditions of the employment. Traditional human resources management followed the

               rigid  structure  for  the  job  description  where  the  promotions  and  appraisals  are  provided
               according to  the norms and the policies of the paperwork which was  already done by the

               seniority  systems.  Earlier  the  traditional  management  involves  the  manpower  planning,

               payroll  administration,  recruiting  and  job  evaluation  with  their  assigned  work.  Modern
               human resources management mostly give the importance towards the departmental activities

               such as motivation, leadership and creating value and ethics among each other in the group
               system of work in an particular organization’s.

               Deshpande,  Dr.Aruna.  (2021).  Role  of  Technology  in  Managing  HR.  observed  that  -

               Organizations adapted to the Technologies for streamlining the human resources functions.

               Adapting the human resources information system to gather collect and store the data. Using
               technology completely for the hiring, training, performance management, compensation and

               payroll benefits management where the technology ensure the complete monitoring of these
               activities  through  personalized  software  for  each,  and  every  department  works  and  tasks.

               Cloud storage data which replaced the traditional practices of storing the data in hard drive,

               the data is easily accessed through internet via automatic processing. HR analytics where it
               combines the employees’ details and the business data with the help of technology which will

               helpful in later stages of connection.

               Ms,  Suganthiya.  (2021).  Impact  of  Technology  on  Human  Resource  Management.  Stated
               that-Usage  of  different  electronic  platforms  for  different  functions  of  human  resources

               management  such  as  E-appraisalsystem  is  a  web  based  software  where  the  appraisers  can

               evaluate and store the appraisals electronically, electronic performance support system where
               it reduces the cost of manual training given by the organization to the employees, E-HRM is

               an web online platform where all the HR policies, strategies and practices are implemented.

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