Page 295 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 295
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
Literature Review
With the changing period the trends in the industry are rapidly changing in order to meet the
competition level. In these human resources management becomes an important parameter to
determine the organization growth with their efficient skillset. Earlier manpower planning
was the most crucial and challenging situations to hire them in a required organization.
Manpower planning concept changed with the trends and become the personnel management
and whereas today this personnel management is called as Human resources management.
Managing the human resources is a complex process many philosophers and authors
mentioned that to understand the philosophy of human resources management it is necessary
to understand the evolution of the human resources management and the different practices
and features involved in the earlier time period.
Islam, Md. (2015). Evolution of Human Resource Management and Its Impact on
Organizational Success. International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and
Management. 3. 3001-309. Explained the different time periods era in the evolvement of
human resources management -
The Gilded Age – in this period the war arises between the capital and labor, where there is a
destruction of many properties and the human violence take place because of war.
In the Post World War 2- the top level of management or the managers at that time got to
understand that the psychological and social factors are important other than monetary
allowances. to motivate the employees in an organization to work more in an efficient way
and to increase the productivity of the organizations. Psychological and social factors include
such as giving promotion, gratitude and appreciation and rewards. The most important part of
this period was the bifurcation of job description into tasks, duties, roles and responsibilities
for each employee under the assigned authority.
In the social issues era - where it witnessed the increase in the number of labor laws and
legislature and associations for the benefits to provide. In this era only the personnel
department started to emerge, and it is known as human resources department so to
collection, evaluation and storage of data, figures of the manpower working in any factory or
in any organization.
Another economic factor come into an existence once there is an increase in demand for the
agreement among the employees for the employee’s protection through various laws and