Page 30 - IMDR EBOOK 20 OCT 2020
P. 30
"Pandemic and Beyond: Naviga ng the New Normal" E - Book Year 2020
The research employed quantitative method, a questionnaire consisting of 12
statements and questions was prepared for the survey and circulated in the
representative sample group for validation. The representative group consisted of 12
organisations representing Information Technology, Consulting, Shipping, Start-ups
etc. The respondents could mostly relate to the questionnaire and thought of it to be
valid. The respondents had to answer questions on their experience on the impact of
COVID-19 on their organisation’s onboarding strategies and their estimates on the
impact thereof on the fresh entrants in their organisation.
Data Analysis and Finding1.
Whether digital on boarding is done or not in your organisation
Options Responses
Yes 12
No 1
Graph I: Regarding usage of digital on boarding
From this, we can conclude that, most respondents have had digital onboarding done
in their organisations.
We can draw a conclusion that, most respondent organisations preferred to do
onboarding digitally.
2. If yes, for
Graph II : Levels for which digital onboarding is practiced