Page 28 - IMDR EBOOK 20 OCT 2020
P. 28
"Pandemic and Beyond: Naviga ng the New Normal" E - Book Year 2020
3. Coordination of the team members can be difcult.
4. Employees may lose concentration because of the disturbances at home from the
family members.
5. Employees at lower and middle management level may nd it difcult to arrange
quality infrastructure for working at their homes.
• Work from Home (Virtual Working) can become a regular practice after COVID19
lockdown period in both the private and government organizations particularly for
those employees who need only a Laptop, a Smartphone and an Internet connection to
execute their duties. Companies like IBM & TCS have already started implementing the
• Virtual Working/Work from Home should be treated as an operations strategy to
o Save Time & Energy of the staff and the company.
o Reduce the infrastructure, operations and transportation costs.
o Reduce the trafc on the roads and in the public transport buses/trains.
o Decrease the overall load on the public infrastructure like roads, public
transport buses and trains.
o Reduce the air and noise pollution.
o Develop a safer alternative of working for the employees.
o Reduce the road accidents.
o Reduce the crimes at public places and ofces.
• The above benets can be derived if the organizations could implement WFH
• Organizations have to train the manpower for the WFH system.
• All types of organizations (Pvt. As well as Govt.) can save time, energy, costs by
organizing virtual meetings instead of meeting in person even after the end of
the COVID19 Lockdown period.
• Employees can be permanently divided into three groups or two groups (1&2) by
introducing virtual working / work from home as a regular method of functioning.
1. Employees compulsorily required at the ofce.
2. Employees who can work from home.
3. Employees who are infrequently needed (for example - attending ofce for three
days in a week)
1. Shivane A., ‘Virtual Working - A great tool which will save cost, reduce pollution’
(April 2020), Linked In,
2. Mihhailova M., Õun K., Türk K.,(2009) ‘Virtual work and its challenges and types
Business review (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia) • January 2009’
3. Nakrošienė, A., Bučiūnienė, I., & Goštautaitė, B. (2019). Working from home:
characteristics and outcomes of telework. International Journal of Manpower