Page 52 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 52
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
Frequency Weightage Sum
Disagree 3 1 3
Disagree 1 2 2
Neutral 10 3 30
Agree 40 4 160
Agree 26 5 130
Total 80 325
Average 4.0625
The average score for answering this question is 4.0625 out of 5, which shows that most people have a
good awareness of the value of digital libraries for learning and informative purposes.
5.5 It is easy to use digital libraries for accessing information.
Accessing information is easy
Likert Weighted
scale Frequency Weightage Sum
Disagree 3 1 3
Disagree 0 2 0
Neutral 10 3 30
Agree 40 4 160
Agree 27 5 135
Total 80 328
Average 4.1