P. 90

strata of the income, whose needs are smaller
          but stronger. To support the borrowers of Shishu
          category currently there is an Interest Subvention

          scheme going on to  cushion the worst  impact  of
          pandemic on small business.

          In  order to understand the  experience of  the
          lenders in terms of preferred category of loan by the

          borrowers, among Shishu, Kishor and Tarun, the
          respondents were  asked to  share which  category
          of loans were mostly taken.  The analysis of these
          lenders’ responses shows that maximum number

          of  borrowers  (62.80%)  have  applied  for  Kishore
          loan (Rs 50,000- Rs. 5,00,000). One reason behind
          these could be growing needs of the business.
          For any small  business also,  to  meet  the long-

          term capital  asset  needs  and to  manage working
          capital requirements, an amount of Rs. 50,000
          may  fall  short.  Also,  the  costs  are  ever  rising  in
          urban areas. A sufficiently large borrowing, which

          makes it possible to buy fixed assets as well as run
          the business for few months is a well calculated
          intention of many and this might be the reason for
          more inclination towards Kishor category. The least

          asked for loan is Tarun category, which provides
          finance from Rs. 5,00,000 – Rs. 10,00,000 (Figure
          No. 27).

   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95