Page 67 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
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understanding the working of  and minimizing the principal-
       firms.  Ross  (1973),  defines  the  agent  conflict.  Sigler  (2011),  if
       agency prob- lem as “an agency  there are problems in the executive
       connection arises between agent  pay components, it encourages
       and the principal where the agents  executives to take problematic steps
       are man- agers who act on behalf  further inviting problems to the
       of principal which are the owners  firm.  Cash  bonuses  component
       or stakeholders of the organization.  provokes to focus on short term
       The agents are hired to maximize  benefits  which  can  be  detrimental
       shareholders   profitability   and  in the long run.
       growth”. Duru et al. (2016) agreed    Brickley et al. (1999), concludes
       that managers don’t have complete   that  managers   who    improve
       ownership  of  the  firm,  they  don’t   company’s overall performance
       get total income gained by the firm   can be given an opportunity to be
       so they don’t perform at their best.   a  part  of  board  of  members  after
       Eisenhardt (1989), Managers look   retirement. This could pos- sibly
       for private benefits and shareholders   be best incentive idea. He also
       look  for  maximizing  share  value   believes that CEO’s can be the
       causing agency problem. Therefore   suitable candidates for the position
       an executive compensation should   of director due to the experience,
       be designed in a way that encourages   knowledge and reputation they
       CEO’s to extend their effort and at   hold.
       the same time balancing the risk
       sharing between principals and      Research Methodology
       agents Lewellen et al (1987).       Time Frame: Time Frame for this
        According to Dahiya, Gete, and Ge   case study was from October 10 to
       (2017), considerable compensation   November 10 2022.
       should be paid to the top executives   Research  design:  The   type
       with an aim of aligning the interest   of research is descriptive and
       of  the  company,  shareholders  and   secondary in nature. Existing data
       executives for maximizing benefits.   is collected from multiple sources
       Kaur et al (2018), explains the    such as Company website, Books,
       direct relation between company    Internet and previous re- search
       perfor- mance and stocks owned by   papers and analyzed based on my
       CEO. If more stocks are owned by   understanding.
       the CEO, the company would be
       performing better and thus aligning
       the CEO and shareholders interest

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