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Guest Lecture

Year 2022-2023

Sr No Date Speaker Name Name of the Topic
1 28 January 2023 Mr. Gaurav Sharma Industry Trends and FinTech ecosystem
2 07 January 2023 Ms. Alpana K Bhoge Cybersecurity at Workplace
3 19 November 2022 Sai Valiveti Up your interview game
4 10 October 2022 Karthik Rangappa Dynamics of Stock Market trading
5 05 August 2022 Mr. Soumya Ranjan Emerging Careers in BFSI Sector
6 05 August 2022 Mr. Duncan Errol Halstead Shape up , it s your future
7 05 August 2022 Ms. Pradnya Kamble Technical skills to make presentation effective.
8 10 August 2022 Chetan Sangole Sustainability for future
9 10 August 2022 Sanchita Bhattacherjee Cracking the company Code: How to Clear GD/PI.
10 12 March 2022 Srikanta Lahari Sagi Capital Market Awareness

Year 2021-2022

Sr No Date Speaker Name Name of the Topic
1 09 October 2021 Mr. Rajesh Parekar Case Study on Marketing / Promotions during pandemic times ( with focus on Non Personal Promotions)
2 04 September 2021 Mr. Mukund Deshpandey Human to Human Marketing
3 11 September 2021 Mr. Anup Menon Leveraging the Power of LinkedIn
4 25 September 2021 Mr. Monimoy & Ms. Sajiri HR Journey From Campus To Corporate-The Best preparation
5 02 August 2021 Mr. Pramod Shah Areas to focus during 2nd year @ IMDR
6 05 August 2021 Mr. Soumya Ranjan Career opportunities in BFSI Sector
7 6 August 2021 Mr. Satyam Magon Future of Logisctics – Career in logistics industry
8 07 August 2021 Dr. Ravindra Utgikar Expectation of the Corporates from Management Graduate
9 09 August 2021 Mr. Lalit Ketkar Navigating the Sales and Marketing world
10 21 August 2021 Mr. Karan Bamba Transitioning from campus to career: A perspective
11 28 August 2021 Mr. Biswnath Mohapatra Personal Finance: Career prospects
12 01 April 2021 Dr. Devidas Golhar Report on Webinar by Dr. Devidas Golhar held on 01 April 2021
13 10 March 2021 Mr. Hrishikesh Salvekar Report on Webinar by Mr. Hrishikesh Salvekar on 10 March, 2021
14 5 February 2022 Mr. Shankar Roddam Industry Readiness of the Management Graduates
15 05 February 2022 Mr. Sunil Pakalpati Logistic Challenges & Opportunities in the New Normal
16 09 February 2022 Mr. Supriya kumar Sakhalkar Career in Banking and Investment
17 16 February 2022 Mr. Soumyajyoti Guha Online Trading
18 08 January 2022 Ms Prachi Mohapatra Business in VUCA World
19 29 January 2022 Mr. Jagdish Kadam The Journey of Setting World Record
20 22 January 2022 Mr. Sanjeev Parkar Dynamism of Changing Performance Management in VUCA world

Year 2020-2021

Webinar - Unlock, The Business Impact Series - Global

The COVID 19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to every country in the world, since all the countries are facing similar challenges, therefore knowledge sharing on the approaches and measures in dealing with covid-19 pandemic among the countries and stakeholders is critical for their effective response and swift recovery from the crisis. IMDR has started a new series of meet-up for our students, wherein, resource persons who are witnessing such economic upheavals in different parts of the country will join us to share how business and economies are preparing to unlock and overcome the challenges in from of them.

Sr No Speaker Name Report on Webinar Youtube link
1 Mr. Amit Brahme Report on Webinar by Mr. Amit Brahme held on 11 July 2020
2 Sunil Ankalgi Report on Webinar by Sunil Ankalgi
3 Kumarjit Bhattacharjee Report on Webinar By Kumarjit Bhattacharjee July 18, 2020
4 Smarajeet Mohapatra Report on Webinar by Smarajeet Mohapatra
5 Mukesh Dhawan Report on Webinar by Mukesh Dhawan
6 John Varughese Report on Webinar By John Varughese July 24, 2020
7 Sachin Kulkarni Report on Webinar By Sachin Kulkarni July 25, 2020
8 Jatin Arora Report on Webinar By Jatin Arora August 08, 2020
9 Jayant Kirloskar Report on Webinar By Jayant Kirloskar August 28, 2020
10 Sagar Kulkarni Report on Webinar held on September 05 by Sagar Kulkarni

Panel Discussion: Skill requirements and corporate readiness of management students in sync with the dynamic business and economic environment

IMDR Pune organised a panel discussion on 22/01/2020 in association with the National Institute of Personnel Management, Pune on the topic “Skill requirements and corporate readiness of management students in sync with the dynamic business and economic environment”. There were four panellists who are experts in human resource management and possess a rich corporate experience. The panellists were Dr. (Captain) Chandrasekhar Madhusudan Chitale, Mr. Ajay Kulkarni, Mr. Nitin Daangal and Dr. Rajendra Sabnis and the moderator for the event was Professor Dilip Randive.

They shared extensive insights on well demanded personality traits required in good HR manager as well as in an employee like, discipline, maturity level, mannerism, patience, initiative, integrity, out of the box thinking, balancing technology & human resource, preparedness for a situation. They shared some of their interesting experiences while handling employees’ unrest. The panellists satisfied the participants by taking up their questions and answering them with the help of well-matched real life examples.

Their interactive style kept participants engrossed throughout the session. Their interaction imbibed the participants with the overall understanding of the holistic concept of human resource management and some of the key skills which need to be developed to make them ready to work successfully in dynamic corporate culture.

Insight into the Indian Securities' Markets: Investors' education by SEBI

Date :  04/01/20

On Saturday, 4th January 2020, Shri. GovindGoyal and Ms. Rashmi Sharma from SEBI conducted a session on Investors' Education at IMDR in Pune.

As PGDM students, it is very important that they are aware about the various instruments traded in the market. This session gave inputs regarding the Mandate of SEBI, Powers of SEBI, Major players in the shares & stock market, Primary & Secondary Markets, Derivatives and Mutual Funds. There were many interesting discussions on the various investment opportunities in the markets. They also spoke about what are the requirements and procedures for investing in the markets and benefits of doing so. Students who were regular investors in the share markets asked them about the practical difficulties they faced as investors.

As young & new investors, the session would help the students to identify the various important aspects to be considered while investing. This session enlightened the students on the ground realities and actually working of SEBI and the share markets in India.


Date : 21/12/19

Institute of Management, Development and Research organized a guest lecture on 21st, December 2019 for the students of PGDM SemesterII in the IMDR auditorium. The speaker for the lecture was Mrs. Mugdha Karanjekar, Director HR of a multinational, based in Hong Kong, covering the region of Northern Asia. She completed her PGDM in 2000. For the past 19 years, she has worked in many places including Tokyo, Toronto, Bangalore, Mumbai and Hong Kong in the field of human resources (HR).

The lecture started by a welcome address. Prof. Dilip Ranadive introduced the speaker to the students. The lecture began with sharing her experience of working at different places. Mrs. Karanjekar shared her entire journey of how she started, what problems she faced and then enlightened students by telling them about the current scenario in the corporate. She also spoke on the must haves to be a successful HR manager, what qualities the students should possess to get hired, what HRs look for in current times. Through this lecture and interaction with a brilliant personality, the students got important insights of the business world.

Careers in Finance - Mr. Girish Tiwari

Date : 03/01/20

IMDR Pune invited Mr. Girish Tiwari, National Head – Commercial, Secretarial & Legal, Perennial Technologies Pvt. Ltd on Friday, 3rd January 2020 to interact with DM II students of the institution on the topic “Careers in Finance”. Insights shared by Mr. Tiwari gave fundamental understanding of prerequisites for making career in finance. He shared acumens on varied specialised domains in finance such as cash management, credit analysis, equity research, risk management, treasurer, financial planning, portfolio & wealth management, investment banking, investing sales professionals, financial consultancy etc. The lecture was useful not only to the students who are inclined towards finance but also to the interested participants belongs to other domains.

International Business and careers therein - Mr. Sanjay Gupte

Date : 30/12/19

IMDR Pune invited Mr. Sanjay Gupte, Ex. Senior Vice President (Sales & marketing),Mahindra Hinoday Industries Ltd. on Monday, 30th December 2019 to interact with DM I students of the institution on the topic “International Business and careers therein “. He explained the significance of exports for a companies and prerequisites for export sales. He shared extensive insights on the work of an export managers, the challenges faced by him and the skills required to be a good export manager. The interaction imbibed the participants with the overall understanding of the holistic concept and importance of international business. Mr. Gupte shared some of his interesting experiences while handing clients from different countries The participants took some valuable takeaways from the discussion.

Guest lecture - Mr N. C. Krishnan

Date : 12/10/19

On 12th October 2019, Mr N. C. Krishnan, CEO of Acurus Solutions delivered a guest lecture at the Institute of Management Development& Research. Our alumni Mr Amit Kumar Mahodaya (Batch of 2014) who is a data analyst at Acurus Solutions, helped in arranging the lecture.Mr N. C. Krishnan did his engineering in the chemical department from IIT Madras &then pursued his Masters in Information Systems from the Eastern Michigan University. Driven by a passion to teach, he taught Business Statistics to graduate & undergraduate at Eastern Michigan University.

At IMDR, he started his lecture by first asking the students their primary reason to attend college & how the college helps is helping them in overall learning.

He primarily emphasized on one sentence “Do what you love, love what you do.” He also shared his experiences& helped the students know how to plan & execute those plans.

Mr Krishnan concluded his lecture by sharing some skills that the current industry recruiters want in the prospective management trainees.

This session is very interactive and students get all the insights from Mr. Krishnan about corporate journey.

The lecture ended on a sweet note when Mr Krishnan & Mr Amit Mahodaya was felicitated & given a token of appreciation by the students.


Date : 09/09/19

On Monday, 9th September, 2019 a mentoring session had been organized for DM-2 students of IMDR with alumnus Mr. Bappaditya Banerjee. He belongs to the batch of 2000-2002 and has an experience of 17 years in the industry, while currently being the Sr. Vice President , HR- Enterprise Operations & Technology at Citi. He has previously worked at well reputed companies such as Standard Chartered Bank, A.P Moller Maersk and Deutsche Bank. Faculty members, Dr. Abhijeet Shivane and Dr. Suraj Kamble were also present for this session.

The session kicked off with Mr. Banerjee explaining in detail the role of HR personnel in companies and the intricacies that follow with the job. He shared his experiences in the industry with the students and provided guidance on finding the right companies, job roles, why it is necessary to work in and along with different departments in an organization and how to mould oneself as a fresher into being the right fit for the job. There was also a Q&A round at the end of the session wherein the students asked their doubts regarding which companies to apply for, preparing for interviews, etc. He also gave tips on surviving the industry, dos and don’ts and improving oneself. It was a highly interactive session with Mr. Banerjee being extremely open and setting a light mood while tackling queries.

Overall, it proved to be an excellent session which was highly informative, thus receiving a positive response from the students.


Date : 03/09/2019

Mr. Kaustubh Deshmukh who is an alumnus of IMDR and the co-founder of ClearpathMartech, Prodigitas, and Biz Catalyststarted with a discussion on Inbound marketing which is a very essential part of digital marketing.The faculty, Prof. DilipRandive, Dr. GiribalaDewasthale, Dr. Suraj Kamble, Prof. Pradnya Mahajan were present for the session.

Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. While outbound marketing interrupts your audience with content they don’t want, inbound marketing forms connections they’re looking for and solves problems they already have. He further explained how outbound marketing known as “interruption” or “push” marketingwhich is an one way conversation and which focuses on the product & the reasons why the audience should buy it whereasPrint/TV/radio advertising, social media advertising, cold calling, direct mail, email blasts and similar other methods, where messages are sent to a large audience of people.

He very effectively explained the buyer’s journey which is an important aspect of marketing – Awareness, Consideration, Decision. Relevantly conveyed that today inbound marketing includes having strangers attracted as visitors, converting them to leads, closing as customers and retaining the promoters.

The students came up with their experience with digital marketing in their prior jobs and internships with the help of sir. It was easier for students to understand when he explained the importance of Inbound Marketing in today’s world as the competition is fierce.

He encouraged students to seize the opportunity andget a free Inbound Marketing Certification on

- Aishwarya Kadam.

My Story -  Mr. Sanjeev Math

Date : 03/09/2019

The guest lecture “My Story” was conducted on September 3, 2019. It was organized and hosted by the Alumni Committee. The Guest speaker Mr. Sanjeev Math is an IMDR alumnus. He is the Sr. General Manager at Panasonic India Pvt. Ltd. for the Western Region.

Mr. Math shared his success story and insightful experiences with the students. He spoke about the time when he joined Samsung when it was in it's initial stage. He also shared how he was blessed to have a mentor like Sanjeev Rajashekharan (MD,Harley Davidson) and that how it is always important to have a good mentor to guide you in every walk of life.

He touched upon some important aspects like how to groom yourself and how to use your opportunities. He advised the students, especially those targeting sales and marketing area, to read magazines and good books which help them to think out-of-the-box. He also asked the students to learn as to how to mingle with people.Another point that he stated was that salary should also be given importance; and that along with more salary comes in more stress. He also mentioned that it is crucial to take risks in life. He spoke about how he took a risk every time he switched to a different job.

He mentioned some key lines like "You know what you are, but you don't know what you become" and to "Believe and invest in yourself". He also asked everyone to always work with Passion and Positivity and to ask oneself the question: "Am I enjoying what I am doing?" He asked everyone to maintain an inner circle of friends, keep the goals short, stay up-to-date, be down to earth and to always put in efforts as nothing in life comes free.

The lecture ended with a Q & A session between Mr. Math and the students. It was an interactive as well as informative session from the students. We always look forward to many such events.

- Shameeka Bhand