Page 288 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 288

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

                     AGE/READY-TO-EAT                  PREFERRED           NOT PREFERRED           TOTAL
                             14-17                          16                      7                 23
                             18-30                          43                      4                 47
                             31-45                           5                      1                 6
                           ABOVE 45                          8                      3                 11
                                                            72                     15                 87
               OBSERVED VALUE

                   AGE/READY-TO-EAT                      PREFERRED                   NOT PREFERRED

                            14-17                        23x72 = 19.03                   23x15 = 3.96
                                                              87                              87

                            18-30                         47x72 = 38.89                   47x15 = 8.10
                                                              87                              87

                            31-45                           6x72 = 4.96                    6x15 = 1.03
                                                              87                              87
                         ABOVE 45                          11x72 = 9.10                    11x15 = 1.89
                                                              87                              87
               EXPECTED VALUE

                       OBSERVED                     EXPECTED              (O-E)      (O-E)      X = (O-E) 2
                    FREQUENCY(O)                 FREQUENCY(E)                                        E
                            16                         19.03              -3.03      9.180         0.482
                            43                         38.89               4.11      16.892        0.434
                            5                           4.96               0.04      0.0016       0.00032
                            8                           9.10               -1.1       1.21         0.132
                            7                           3.96               3.04      9.241         2.333
                            4                           8.10               -4.1      16.81         2.075
                            1                           1.03              -0.03      0.0009       0.00087
                            3                           1.89               1.11      1.232         0.651
                            87                                                                     6.108
               Degree of Freedom

               Formula: (NO OF ROWS -1) x (NO OF COLUMNS -1)

                                         (4-1) x (2-1) = 3x1= 3
               X  for 3 degrees of freedom at a 5% level of significance is 7.815 .
               The calculated value of X  is 6.108 and table value on 5 level of significance and at 3 degree
               of freedom is 7.815 so it can be observed that calculated value (6.108) is less than table value


               Calculated Value (6.108) < Table Value (7.815)
               In the above situation the Alternate Hypothesis is rejected and is Null Hypothesis accepted.

               The following hypothesis is considered for this study:
               H0-  There  is  no  association  between  age  and  customer  preference  for  ready-to-eat  food

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