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Unlock Series - Singapore Post COVID-19 Unlock

Mr. Sunil Ankalgi, Head of Sales & Accounts Management in Amedius was the 2nd speaker of the Unlock series. He has over 20 years of experience in working in Aviation and IT sectors.

Due to the pandemic, a wide spectrum of sectors are impacted. Various countries have responded to COVID-19 in different ways. Mr.Ankalgi brought in the Post COVID situation from the perspective of Singapore region. The session was divided into Impact on Singapore, impact on businesses and the impact on Aviation sector.

The structure of Singapore economy was explained by the speaker with special reference to services. The speaker gave insights on possible reasons of the GDP being predicted low for Singapore. He also gave us his first-hand experience on how the country is dealing with the COVID-19 by mentioning some of the rules that is to be followed. The use of technology by the use of QR-code in shops to provide easy contact tracing and strict regulations are few of the mentioned measures taken by the Government of Singapore. Rigorous contact tracing and enforcement of rules helped the country tremendously.

Government of Singapore has given assistance to many businesses by providing easier loans and other relief measures. He mentioned that manpower is the driving force of the country. He further mentioned that education sector is given utmost importance and is being imparted through online mode.

The aviation sector is predicted to recover in 3 years. Singapore’s transportation and storage, accommodation and food services have shown a decline due to the pandemic.

The session was interactive and enriching given the fact that we are starting to embrace the new-normal.