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Career in Banking and Investment

Report on Webinar by Mr. Supriya kumar Sakhalkaron February 09, 2022 at 6:30 pm

As a part of student development activities and corporate connect, IMDR continuously organizes webinar by various renowned industry experts. IMDR Has organized a webinar on February 09, 2022 on the topic Career in Banking and Investment.

The webinar was conducted through Microsoft Teams and participants were students of PGDM-I & II. The resource person was Mr. Supriya kumar Sakhalkar, Head of Global Markets and Treasury (Singapore) Emirates NDB.

He rightly said that one should realize his area of interest first, have expertise in that area, success will certainly come if one enjoys his work. He emphasized on choosing specialization based on own skills and interest.

In his talk he underlined the significance of marketing, HR and operations specialization for banking sector jobs. He shared the variety of job profiles in the banking sector and emphasized on a wide scope of people with different specialization.

He addressed variety of apprehensions of the students regarding the changing paradigm of banking industry due to technological advancement. With the help of concerned websites, he shared his insights on latest trends in investment banking, treasury and mutual fund industry. The session was very enriching .