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Mr. Rajesh Parekar

Report on Webinar by Mr. Rajesh Parekar on October 09, 2021 at 10:30 am.

Title –Case Study on Marketing / Promotions during pandemic times ( with focus on Non Personal Promotions)

As a part of student development activities and corporate connect, IMDR continuously organizes webinar by various renowned industry experts. IMDR Has organized a webinar on October 09, 2021 at 10:30 am.on the topic Case Study on Marketing / Promotions during pandemic times ( with focus on Non Personal Promotions).

The webinar was conducted through Microsoft Teams and participants were students of PGDM-I &II.The resource person was Mr. Rajesh Parekar, Founder and Chief Technology Officer , Objectives Solutions Pune.

The topic he has selected for the talk was very interesting and contemporary. The way he has explained the non-personal promotion and its significance in acquiring the customers was well appreciated by the participants. The discussion on minute details such as language used in email was really useful for students. With examples he explained the present scenario where the doctors have hectic schedules and the impact of their tiring schedule on the effectiveness of NPP. It highlighted the scope of change required in NPP tactics.

The challenges as well as opportunities for pharma companies during the pandemic have been described elaborately. The appropriate use of technology plays a vital role in designing well-structured promotion strategies.

He shared the information about current trends during COVID-19 situations such as remote e-detailing platforms, approved emails, custom built e Detailing + video interaction apps , responsive websites , online information platforms for HCPs and regional online platforms.His insights on five best practices for digital NPP initiatives and some significant statistics about NPP models was enriching.