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Dr. Ravindra Utgikar

Report on Webinar by Dr. Ravindra Utgikar on August 07, 2021 at 10.10 am.

Title –Expectation of the Corporates from Management Graduate

As a part of student development activities and corporate connect, IMDR continuously organizes webinar by various renowned industry experts. IMDR Has organized a webinar on August 07, 2021 on the topic Expectation of the Corporates from Management Graduate.The webinar was conducted through Microsoft Teams and participants were students of PGDM-I &II.The resource person was Dr. Ravindra Utgikar,VP- Corporate Strategy & Marketing, Praj Industries Ltd.

He shared an overview on the significance of understanding customers as decision makers, enablers and partners, analyzing value chains and encouraging innovations. He shared him insights on business outlook and VUCA environment along with the appropriate examples, which have been highly appreciated by the students. The pictorial presentation of the concept has been designed so methodically. The list of industries mentioned by him has provided food for thought to the participant which is essential for crafting their careers.

His guidance for the right approach while choosing specialization and concerned profiles is very beneficial for the students as well as very well explained. All the participants took some invaluable takeaways from this wonderful discussion.