Dr. Shweta Jain
Associate Professor (Finance)
Email: shweta.jain@imdr.edu
Number: 7709582969
Landline : 02067656111
Subjects Taught:
Financial Management, Financial Markets and Banking Operations, International Finance, Advanced Financial Management, Current Trends and Cases in Finance, Strategic Cost Management, Legal Aspects for Business, Psychometric Testing, Compensation and Rewards Management, Performance Management, Mergers Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring, Corporate Finance, Financial Institutions Markets & Services, Agri. Finance & Risk Management
Dr. Shweta Jain was fortunate enough to find her passion in teaching and qualified NET, SET Examination in 1996. She had received higher education from reputed organizations such as Doctorate in Business Administration from the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India, in 2017. She also holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration (HRM) from IGNOU as well as Master’s degree in Commerce (Finance) University Ranker from Punjab University Chandigarh. Topped consecutively for all 3 years in B. Com. and awarded Gold Medal by Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. She had also done PGDPM&LW from Himachal Pradesh University. Dr. Shweta has participated in various FDPs & presented research papers at State, National & International Conferences / Seminars with contributions to UGC care, ABDC and Scopus journal publications. She has authored four Content books and is an Editor for an ISSN Journal and one Conference Proceedings.
Awards and Honours
1. Sawyam, NPTEL-National First Topper, in course ‘Management of Fixed Income Securities, IIT Kharagpur Oct. 2022
2. Completed with distinction, UNESCO’s OE4BW Mentoring Programme by GHG Khalsa college of Education Punjab in course ‘Cooperative Learning Pedagogy’, July 2020
3. Sawyam, UGC-97%- National topper in course ‘Academic Writing’, H.N.V. Garhwal University Nov. 2019
4. Best Paper Award for Research Paper ‘Paradigm shift in the Insurance Sector with Technology in Special Reference to Indian InsureTech Sector’ in ICAETBM-2022
5. Awarded Best Teacher by ‘The International Association of Lions Clubs’ on Teachers Day 5 th Sep. 2016 and again 2023
6. Second position in Research Paper contest on topic of Creative Accounting, DCRC, UOP in 2013.
7. First position in Research paper contest on topic of Sustainable Development, DCRC, UOP in 2012.
Resource Person
1. Key Note Speaker for the topic ‘InsureTech-Revolutionary Scope and growth with reference to India’ at The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, ,Pimpri- Chinchwad Aakurdi chapter
2. Editorial board member for Thumbe group of International Journals, e-ISSN 2581- 8511
3. Worked both as Expert and Reviewer for AICTE’s Student Learning assessment Project(SLAP)
4. Delivered Plenary Talk on the topic ‘Green Accounting’ in 3 days National E- Conference on “Recent Trends in Accounting and taxation in New Normal”. Conducted by Anekant Education Society’s Arts, Science and Commerce College Baramati
5. Translation of NPTEL Course ‘Management Accounting’ in Hindi
6. Selected and Contributed as Mentor for one month duration in FIP III organized by UGC-HRDC
7. Session Chairperson for INCON- XIV held on January 2019 & organized by ASM Group of institutes, Chinchwad
8. Session Chairperson for two Days National Conference on “New Frontiers in Management for Sustainable Business Development in VUCA World” conducted by Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Management & Research (DYPIMR), 2022
9. Member BOS for St. Mira’s College for Girls(Syllabus designing, Faculty Interview, Paper setting & Conducting Viva Voce) From Year 2018-2023
10. Selected and appreciated for the role of Discussion forum moderator for Sawyam course ‘Academic Writing’, which is the India’s No. 1 course on Sawyam and recognized as in World’s top 30
11. Design syllabus for ‘Security analysis & Portfolio Management’, SPPU MBA 2019 Pattern
12. University Paper setter for the subjects International finance, Accounting for business decisions, Financial Management and Financial markets & banking operations
13. Chairman & Paper setter for Indira Institute of Management’s paper International Financial Management, Strategic Cost Management and Financial Services
14. Delivered on the topic ‘How to solve and learn from case study’ for M.Com students of Pratibha College of Commerce & Computer Studies
Research Papers
1. A Review of special purpose acquisition company(SPAC) as a fund raising vehicle and implementation issues in India, International Journal of Special Education, UGC Care II(Scopus)listed, Vol. 37, number 3, 2022, pp 5526-, 5536 https://www.internationaljournalofspecialeducation.com/submission/index.p hp/ijse/article/view/796/588
2. Block chain Technology as A Catalyst in bringing Paradigm Shift in Human Resource Management Operations, UGC care -1 listed ‘anvesak’ Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research Biannual Journal, Vol. 52, No.1(1), ISSN:0378-4568, Jan.-June 2022
3. Paradigm shift in insurance sector with technology in special reference to Indian InsureTech Sector UGC care -1 listed ‘anvesak’ Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social ResearchBiannual Journal, Vol. 52, No.1(1), ISSN:0378- 4568, Jan.-June 2022
4. Impact of Covid 19 on Financial Performance of Micro Financing Institutions in India, Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship (JME), UGC care -1 listed, ISSN: 2229-5348, Special Issue April 2022, pp 267-276
5. Innovative and customized funding avenues for start-ups in India, Innovative and customized funding avenues for start-ups in India, Vol. 40, issue 27, month Feb. 2020, Peer reviewed, UGC care listed, ISSN No. 2394-3114
6. Impact of Covid 19 on Financial Performance of Micro Financing Institutions in India, Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship (JME), UGC care -1 listed, ISSN: 2229-5348, Special Issue April 2022, pp 267-276
7. Impact of blockchain technology on changing role of Human Resource Management Operations, The Management Accountant, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, ISSN 0972-3528, Vol. 56, No.11, Nov. 2021, pp 65-67
8. InsureTech- Revolutionary Scope and growth with reference to India, The Management Accountant, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, ISSN 0972- 3528, Vol. 56, No.12, Dec.2021, pp 43-46
9. A Study on Acceleration of Business Processes Through Finance Process Automation, Ajanta, An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal ISSN 2277-5730, UGC listed journal no.40776, vo. VIII, issue I Jan. - March 2019 Part I, Impact factor 2018 -5.5
1. In total 20 Research papers were presented in Various National and International Conferences
2. Written Content Books for Talentedge Education Ventures Pvt. Ltd. namely Occupational Stress Management, International Finance, Business Administration, and Strategic Leadership Management
Dr. Shweta Jain is an Associate Professor in the Accounting and Financial Management Area. She is presently handling the role of Head- Fellowship Programme in Management and IQAC Coordinator at IMDR. She was fortunate to work in diverse organizations in Himachal, Karnataka, Chandigarh and Pune. In the list of few prominent assignments of her 20 years of academics’ career comprises Head of Research Centre, IQAC Coordinator, NIRF Coordinator, Outstation Industrial Visits Coordinator, Magazine Editor, College Examination Officer and Research Guide.